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公司名称 中文 营口小雨木结构建筑安装有限公司 公司名称 英文 Yingkou Xiaoyu Wood Structure Co. 积分 0, 距离下一级还需 积分.
A 鏈烘 宸ョ 甯? 鎵嬫満鐗堜笂绾垮暒锛佹柟渚胯 闃呫 佹煡鐪嬨 佹眰鑱? FUTLIGHT OPTOELECTRONIS CO. 鍖椾含涓 仈鐜 缓鏂囧缓绛戣 璁 湁闄愬叕鍙? 鍖椾含鍦f牸鏋楃 鎶 鍙戝睍鏈夐檺鍏 徃. 鍖椾含娆у姏鏅 収鏄庣 鎶 鏈夐檺鍏 徃. 鍖椾含鍑 櫘鏋楀厜鐢电 鎶 鏈夐檺鍏 徃. 鑱屽満涓 笉瑕佸拰棰嗗 杈冨姴 灏忓績杈撲簡鍓嶉 斿拰閽遍? 钃濆疂鐭炽 佺 鍖栫熃涓ゅ己鐩镐簤鑳滆礋鏈 畾LED鍏ㄧ悆浜т笟灞 鍔? 闈 瘯杩囩 涓 亣鍒伴潰璇曞畼璇磋嚜宸辩己涔忕粡楠屽簲璇ユ 庝箞搴斿. 7灞婁腑鍥藉浗闄呭伐涓氬崥瑙堜細-2015涓 浗鍥介檯钃濆疂鐭虫潗鏂欐妧鏈 笌搴旂敤灞曡 浼? 缃戜笂鎶曢 掔畝鍘嗘暟閲忓 濡備綍鎻愰珮姹傝亴绠 鍘嗘祻瑙堥噺. 鍏夊 璁捐 宸ョ 甯? .
D student in political science studying applied statistics at Penn State. Focuses on graphical methods for interpreting statistical learning algorithms, learning with dependent data, applications of these methods in the study of politics, and research practice in the social sciences generally. This summer I will be working on mlr. As a part of Google Summer of Code.